1997 Ram 1500, 5.9 auto 4x4.

So.......I am riding down the turnpike today and I notice that at 65mph, the rpm's are about 2-300 above where they usually are. I am saying to myself, "You should probably replace the TPS soon".

A while later the trans shifts out of OD and I see that the "OD Off" light is on. I make a u turn at the next exit and start heading home real easy.

Then the "Trans Temp" light comes on and I pull off and call a wrecker.

With my wallet $288 lighter, we drop it at my mechanic. Now...he hasn't had a chance to look at it yet but I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and any ideas what I might be looking at.


1969 Super Bee, 383/4 speed