

i hate to be the bearer of bad news but some of you guys are probably never going to get your sending units to work.

The reason is because many of the reproduction sending units were not built right. Their resistance range from empty to full was not correct. A proper guage should be 10 ohms at full and 73 ohms at empty. you will most likely find yours to a different range. I cant remember what the bad units had for a range but it was something like 0 to 100. that means at 1/4 empty, you will read empty and at full, you'll read 3/4 full

theres no way to fix this as far as i know other than to change out the resistor element to the correct one.

this is a KNOWN problem with reproductions (at least some of them)

I'm not sure I agree with that. If the repop sender has a LARGER resistance change than the old one, it should be possible to add some resistance in parallel with the sender to ground to set the range. Then, it would be a matter of adjusting the thing so that empty is correct on the one end, and adjusting the resistor for full on the other.

Frankly, I'd be happy to have "empty" fairly accurate, but the one thing you do NOT want, is for the tank to be empty before the gauge is!!

Also, don't discount the possiblility that the gauge has become innacurate over all these years, or that if it's been 'repopped' that it's not correct, either.

like I said, I believe if you check it at empty and full, the range on the junky repops are different than the stock ones.

The fact that it only goes to 3/4 full tells me that at empty, it not 10 ohms OR 0 ohms but something greater.
I'll do some math and see if I can work it out.