
As for the XE268H it is a very good cam but it is a flat tappet cam and will need the mopar conversion 7.625 pushrods and not the stock magnum ones. Mancini is the cheapest place to get them that I have found.

The base circle on the XE268H cam is small enough that the conversion push rods are on the edge of being to short. I would measure the preload on the lifter and select a push rod of the length needed. I wound up using a pushrod that is 7.650" long. I had orignally built the engine with the conversion pushrods and always had a lot of valve clatter when cold.

Dave Clement Pembroke, MA 03 PT Cruiser GT Turbo 99 Dakota SLT+ CC 4x4 68 Barracuda sport coupe http://home.comcast.net/~dgc333/