

The radial, of comparable size, provided you can hook it, will be faster than the bias tire, every time. The radial tire construction, is simply better. Yes the sidewall is stiffer, but the tire as a whole is stiffer. The tire stays more "round" during the run, which is quicker and faster. We run both slicks and radials. With identical tune ups and identical 60fts, the 330 and 660 numbers, are quicker with radials, EVERY time.


But when the hook goes away it won't recover without pedaling on a car with any power. Even when pedaled it's hard to get them stuck again. I know these tires are resposible for some fan interest.

That's it exactly. Once mine decide to fry, then the run's done...no ifs,ands, or buts. Only way to get them to hook after that is either back peddle severely or try an upshift(short shift) to the next gear.
Personally, when my radials loose it, I can easily cover the whole width of the track for the first 300 feet....sometimes not a fun ride.
Great for the fans, but hell on the driver.