

We suggest that you chose what block works for your intended build.Consider the power level,combo parts,time constraints,availability as well as a realistic budget.Research reliable sources of experiences and results from respected builder and ask questions as to why the preferr a specific block and the advantages as well as the disavantages.If your building under a 1200 HP engine most after market blocks would work fine,If your got for higher HP,goe for the best block your budget can afford.

Would not the BEST block be the one that doesnt break or if it did can be fixed? I thought i saw the KB block advertised for $5,100.00 which aluminum block is cheaper? My

Tell me which one won't break and it's worth it no matter what the cost.I would never tell anyone who's block to use.It's up to each person to decide,I only provided a opinion of a criteria to use to make a qualified decision on which to choose a block.If I were building engines over 2000 HP then I would rely on the experts opinion whom I have respect for to steer me in the right direction.As said many times here at BGR we build reliable bracket engines not exotic ticking time bombs.I'am not here to debate who's block one should choose.