I am the original owner of Al's block, and I chose the KB block for several reasons, which I would hope some of you will take into account, after reading this.

On a personal level, my mother used to babysit Ken Black way back in the day, and we have always cherished the Black family, for being good, quality people.

To be honest, I didn't even consider the Indy block. Why? Well, the reason why most will buy an aluminum block, is the fact that you could blow it to bits, and, in most cases, get it fixed. It is no big news that the folks at Indy, are some of biggest morons on the face of the planet. No offense to anyone that sells the Indy stuff from their stores/machine/race shops, but, if one of your customers blew up their Indy block, would you offer to fix it, or would you tell them to send it back to Indy to get it fixed? If you could fix it, how much experience do you have in properly fixing/welding an aluminum block? I would love to be a fly on the wall when the gods at Indy get a call about a damaged block that needs to fixed. You would probably get berated and treated like a fool.

The people at KB do this stuff each and every day. They have been repairing blown up blocks for decades, from Top Fuel to Street Hemi's.

Above and beyond anything that I have said, I sent my business to KB because THEY DESERVED MY BUSINESS! Why? Well, because they are not cocky, and, although they are not perfect, they will not let you down, while giving you a product that will be able to see more horsepower than you will probably need. I had a few minor issues with my block when I ordered it from Ken, but, he made it right, and I couldn't have been happier.

Will the Indy make power and work? Yes, it has been proven. When things go wrong, who will be there to take care of you? I may be way off base with my opinion, and my decision to buy a KB block, but, people also thought that I was on dope for thinking that my little 525" B-1 motor, would make anywhere near 950 HP, with a single carb.

1040+ HP later, I felt real good about my decision.

Bottom line, Good people deserve my business, and I will stand behind them any day of the week, over someone who thinks they are doing YOU a favor by doing business with you.