If you have a stubborn lifter or 12, a lifter removal tool is always helpful. I don't know what you have in your area, but any well stocked parts supply house should have them in their specialty tool section. Relatively inexpensive as well. I think I paid $12-$18 for mine a few years ago.

It's a long tool with a spring loaded T handle on one end and retracting claws on the other. Basically, you hook the claws into the top of the lifter and pull up on the T handle. Upwards pressure on the T handle pushes the claws out further into the lifter to aid bite.

This tool is a necessity when working on ANY AMC. I'm up to 5 AMC's, and even the low-miler needs lifters. Its got two dead ones for sure!

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....