
I suppose putting some tape loosely on the horizontal body panel surface above the pinch weld before spraying would do the trick, allow a little bit of overspray to get on that surface, but not too much.

Hi Brad,
If you look at the drawing provided by Mike you will notice the small exploded diagram that references the "over-spray" and what is "permissible". It would be impossible to get an "over-spray" pattern if a brush were being used. Also notice just to the right of that section, the only mention of applying paint with a "brush" is for the 27 model or Convertible body style. I have documented vehicles (other than Convertibles) that used the "brush on paint" application and have even seen BOTH methods used (contrasting sides) for the same vehicle! Sometimes the employees doing the paint jobs chose convenience over the intended engineering specifications. If you do not have your original to use for a format and are attempting to be factory correct, defaulting to the Chrysler engineering specifications should leave you technically accurate. Good Luck!!