Here is another take on this.....

Why does every friggin Mopar have to be purple, lime green, or orange?? Why not dare to be different and go back to the original shade??

Many of the so-called "dud" colors actually look pretty nice when freshly applied. Many years ago, when I restored my 70 Challenger, I had considered straying from the original FK5(Deep burnt orange). The only time I ever saw this color, it was faded to a dull brown. After talking to the painter, I decided to go back to FK5. What a knockout color!! This car looks killer, especially out in the sun. And I went through the same thing with my 66 Coronet. Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would love the way a gold car looks. This car looks great! With all of the chrome 500 trim, this car looks awesome!! If this car was painted a "high-impact" color, it would look terrible, IMO.

I am not trying to stifle anyones individuality, just offering another opinion, that's all. If you want to paint your car any color you wish, be my guest.