You echo my reasons for posting. Big Lake was the last place it was proposed - shut down mainly because of infrastructure and access. Two Interstates are immediately accessible with this location - It's the absolute perfect spot. Currently, the land is ag and industrial use with residential subdivisions many miles away.

The investment group already has some type of agreement or lease option to buy option with Rehbine on the acreage. Therefore, I believe the finances are solid.

Call me stubborn or ignorant, but I'm hoping if we get off our hump and equally promote the benefits comparatively to what the opposition (tree huggers) claim as detrimental, we have a good shot at making this happen.

Myself and others are taking an active role in staying on task with the council to see this through. The editors of both our local papers are very receptive to printing opinions that are backed up with facts (been there before with successful results). Likewise, we plan to be in attendance for council meetings to debunk erroneous claims by the opposition in a non-redneck factual approach (nothing against rednecks as I proudly consider myself one).

Yes, it's a big hurdle but I don't think anyone thus far has approached it correctly. The opposition has always out numbered the majority in favor.

Sorry for the rant...But I have a feeling...