Next I removed the face plate from the voltmeter and did a test fit in the instrument cluster. Notice the resister and Poteniometer at the bottom, that was hitting the instrument case. That would be a no no. So I double nutted the post the resistor was conneted to and very slowly turned it CCW looking at it to spread the resistor from the pot. Then I carefully bent the pot over toward the rear to give me about 1/8" clearence.
Voltmeter in Instrument cluster.

Now I found something really interesting the faceplate bolt holes were almost identical so I could use either the old face plate, which would look stock, or the new faceplate from Sunpro. I decided I wanted the new faceplate but you could go either way. To use the Sunpro faceplate you have to cut off some of it.

Modified Voltmeter faceplate