
It is one guy Joe Chrisman. I just talked to him a couple weeks ago. I no longer run his VB because I was talked into a glide.

Hope you get fixed. But, don't feel bad Rick Allison had me tear up two transmissions and work on his VB a bunch. Only got worse. Burnt up the clutches in one race, which I won. Then made pressure adjustments and the problem got worse. I was told I had bad cases. Some guys have good luck with the A&A. It can be very frustrating. I have ran the Tranzact VB's in several cars with great results. Better than TA by far and the pressure spool valve is secured better in Tranzact's. But, if it aint working going into high sounds like Joe's got some fixing to do. Sorry you didn't get the results I did.


Pretty much sums up my experience....I lost quite a few rounds due to creeping with a T/A brake....I run a glide now.

5.53 @ 125 1/8th on the launch control..more left in her!