Had our first ever 1/8 mile drag race here on the north end of vancouver island, Port Mcneill airport and turned out great.Car cont was 81 I think, ran sportsman, pro, and superpro. All got in 3 rounds saturday, but with rain threating, we ran a gamblers race with 20 buck buy in. I went 6 rounds with my good old cuda and took home top prize of 200 bucks. Was kewl for local lad to win the first race. Also ran a best of 6.441 on the eith so happy with that too. Sunday with rain again threating, we went right into eliminations and got it off. I red lit second round. The biggest surprise was local helicopter shop opening up for rides for 25 bucks a head for 15 minutes, was awesome of them as it took us all by surprise. I,m sure theres gonna be some great shots from that. Anyway, after all this, sure do appreciate all the work that goes into this as our start line crew was green as can be as well as our tower crew, which i might say was my quad trailer converted for the weekend lol.We will be doing this again.

67 cuda new best 1.395 60 10.240 at 128.58mph