
... I
had my mech throttle stop on it set at 1/3 carb opening
and the car was trying to hop... not enough torque
to plant the tires good... I tried a couple of things
to see if that would help but it didnt... tried to
up the launch rpm from 3800 to 4600 but no help I
also tried more tire pressure but no help... I should
have changed the 4-link IC but I didnt feel like
doing that in the heat... Doug made a few passes
at 10.09 so all in all it was a good day.... good
job Doug

I was just talking about that on the way home from Lapeer. Not enough power applied to get the current IC working. When Randy came over to say hello I told him to 'get over there and slap him in the face' to get the adrenalin workin'...Later on in the day he told me he slapped you Raff...I meant to hit Doug instead. LOL! Now both you guys are gonna be pissed at me. Seriously jumping into a short wheelbase fast car will take some time getting used to and your doing good Doug. Just remember there are 2 speeds OFF and WFO!