I raced at Lapeer a few times, it's on a country road out in the boonies. Kinda looks like ajunk yard. There were two huge mud puddles at the entrance where you sign in and pay your 20 bucks. The same guy that takes your money looks over your car for a second and makes sure you have helmut. Then you go in and try to find a spot in the pits that is dry and without mud puddles.

The track is narrow but seems fairly flat and straight. Theres two turnoffs, the last one for cars with bad brakes or real fast. Then thers a row of trees at the end, those will definitely stop you. Ofcourse theres no ambulance, and it would take a while for one to get there from the city. I guess you can think of Lapeer as street racing... but legal. I did see some pretty fast cars out there...nice ones too..running in the 8s.

Its a good test n tune place.. although a bit wierd and risky.