no i am not inferring that nor do i claim to be any authority. the tech paper i posted was merely intended to give some insight as to the history of ZDDP. people are free to make their own decisions and run whatever oil they chose. how many times have people come here and said they had an engine failure directly related to the quality of the oil they are using? i'm not going to spend the time to check all the different ratings and post them i just wanted to point out certain things. yes some of the oils are imho unacceptably low in zddp but for the most part these aren't oils most of us here would use anyhow. most of the heavy duty lubricants are 1200ppm or above and should suffice. people rave about brad penn oil and their site pushes the "green" oil when in fact the "green" is nothing but dye that you don't want in the oil to begin with this i know for a fact. i'm no expert but spending 12 hours a shift standing there running a filling machine cranking out a zillion quarts a shift of scores of different products taught me a few things. the most important was that marketing plays a MAJOR role in lubricant sales. as long as people perceive an oil to be better they're willing to pay through the nose for it. marketing can spin a thousand different stories but the fact of the matter is that to be certified for a given rating a oil must have certain qualities. opinions vary this is mine based on what i saw working at a lubes service center. the same oil that was going in high dollar quarts was going in store brand quarts....fact