
Ah so many options! Some people that I talk to locally swear by demons so that is why I was leaning in that direction but I am not dead set on one. For my car would you recomend mechanical or vacuum seconderies? Also is a demon mech secondary carb the same thing as a holley double pumper?


Heres the difference between vac. sec. and mech. sec. as I was told by an old racer friend...

Vacuum Secondary= Gas Mileage, moderate performance.

Mechanical Secondary=Performance, moderate gas mileage.

If you want the performance when you hit the throttle, go with a double pumper. If you want gas mileage, go with a vacuum secondary.

The demon mechanical sec is just like a dp. Like stated above, a 650 mighty demon mech. sec. will work amazingly on your car. Just clean the **** out of it first