Do you have a dialback? What is your initial now? I'd unplug/cap the vac adv hose and post what you have for initial then run the rpm up until it wont advance any more which may be over 3500 & see (& post) what you have. If you dont have a dialback make a magic marker mark on the harmonic dampener 2&1/4" to the right (clockwise) from the TDC line and this is 35.5 degrees which will give you a rough idea of where your total is at. Post how far (roughly) on either side of that mark you're at & we'll go from there. If you have a dialback you'll know exactly though mine is ~1 degree off compared to a good sears std one. EDIT .0632683" is 1 degree so if you have a 2-3" mike you can measure/mark on a strip of paper then transfer that to the dampener if you have no dialback for your total.

Last edited by RapidRobert; 04/29/10 06:59 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth