a flame can pick up ...burn off whatever hydry cant..
but glycol...is nasty..it wont burn off..and still leaves a slick residue.
when water just dries up...why wouldnt you make removing it from the race cars manditory.
spill water on track..in mid day.
a few minuutes its gone...
drip a little it mops up..
one its gone its gone...dried up.
all the other stuff ..your talkin down time in the hour range...and that doesnt account for spots you missed...
when you can prevent something...with forethought..why wouldnt you...?

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured