not a bad day all in all, track prep wasn't too bad but was pretty chilly and a little bit of cross wind and a lot of street car's,,ricer's and mustang's mainly, now to the car,,first pass I ended up short shifting for some reason (first pass jitter's but ended up running a 10.21 at 129.29 with a 1.39 sixty foot came back up return road had it high and whacked the throttle and went 5200,,,,,,,,perfect! right where I had Jason at Quickdraw converter's build it. second pass was a major brainfart on my behalf, thought the shifter had moved too far back like it went into third,so i bumped it forward and went back into first didn't take long to pull it back again but the 60 foot was a 1.38,, waited in the stageing lanes for an hour and fourty five minutes while they cleaned up some Honda internals from all over the track and finally got pass three in,best of the day 10.114 at 129.92 with a 1.374 sixty foot, so it seem's the car is going to be good, I like the new converter even tho it did slow my 60's a few hundreths but Jason said it would a little but part of the reason I had one built was to drop stall to help take some violence out of the launch,,,so far so good and as far as what Terry did to the heads,,,,,well let me put it this way,,that motor has never ran that smoothly going down the track,,yep pretty good day, came home with all the pieces still where they are supposed to be.

Light travels faster than the speed of sound,,,this is why some people seem bright untill you hear them speak.