
Happy Friday everyone,

This has probably been covered a million times, but here goes anyway...
I'm going to be taking the tail light assembblies out of the 'Bird this weekend to replace the leaky housing to body gaskets. while I have them out I want to take them apart and polish the plastic tail light lenses. They are just slightly hazy and scuffed, but not very badly. I have some Meguires plastic polish for convertible top plastic windows I'm thinking of using, but I've also heard of people using things like Brasso metal polish, toothpaste etc....
any recommendations?

Depends on how bad they are. I used to make prototype lenses for Auto Meter gauges for years.
If the scratches are deep you will need to use something to "remove" a little plastic. If they are not deep a little elbow grease and a good gentle polishing compound will work well. There are several "scratch" hiding products available
for plastic but be careful and try in a very small area first. On older resins you never know what you are going to get. You can PM me if you want details on removing deeper scratches etc.