Hey Guys Sorry its been a while since i've updated this. I WAS TO BUSY DRIVING THE WHEELS OFF THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Car WAS awesome! I was glued to the seat for two weeks strait!(as would any 18 year old) The Burnouts were EPIC! I even took it in a field behind our local abandoned truck stop and had some fun with her! Even Found another 79 in a nearby town and took some Pics with the two of them together, That itself was amazing, Reunited after 31 years. (too bad my phone only saved one of the pics of this) Got a couple of pics with a Fury for sale locally.

And then 2 weeks into this Journey...THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENS. I'm driving with a friend back to my house and i approach an Intersection doing the speed limit, and the light turns yellow but it turned yellow at the point of no return(would have had to UNSAFLY lock up the brakes to stop at the red light)So i continue and this lady in an 04 impala decided to go NOT SEEING MY BIG GREEN UGLY CAR, She turned out infront of me and the was nothing i could do. I tboned her. I get out of the car and Start flipping out because i did have the right away.(she should have waited for the light to turn red,Yielded, and finished her turn.) I calmed down a little bit relizing im acting like a spaz even though my baby is destroyed...I ask "mam are you okay?" She responded, "yeah im fine but i dont have a Flippin Licence...." This is when i lose my temper again telling the lady how she is up a certain creek without a paddle... Cop gets there(writes her 2 tickets) and he gets me my copy of the report and I drove the car home(only 1 1/2 blocks away).
The Insurance co Totalled it of course but i get more the DOUBLE What i paid for her... and i keep the car. After Giving her life after many years of rest, I have put her out of her misiry and began stripping her of anything any good (considering there is no aftermarket for these cars.)

Ive Blabbed for long enough heres the pics of the damage. soon ill have pics of her on her way to mopar heaven...

Heres how far over towards the passenger side the bumper was pulled(about 1 1/2 feet)

The Real Carnage... bent frame...
[IMG]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y6/CuriousYellow71/[Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean].jpg[/IMG]

Thats all for now Sorry for the bad news yall. The car never failed me and i hammered on it all the time. She was a good ride and I will never forget her.
RIP Green Bean aka The Green Machine aka The Cordoba. MY FIRST CAR!