While not ideal. Yes.

I have a car that had a bad case of road rash under the drain plug. The right fix was to remove the pan and weld it. I cleaned the pan slathered on JB Weld, used tape to hold it there, and let it set up over night. Next day I refilled it with oil. Sadly I had to do that at every oil change because it was too close to the drain plug and the JB Weld covered the plug.

The things we do before we get enough tools and a shop to do it right is funny.

Some will say weld the pan on the car I do not suggest that. I tried to weld the above pan on the car and the crankcase ignited and turned the open drain plug into a huge blowtorch. It was one of those nine lives moments for me when the Good Lord kept me alive and intact even though darwin tried to weed me out.