You have nothing to apologize for. Since I am considered to be such a rebel and I'll be happy to tell it like it is! Most people can't stand you telling the truth and are bothered NOT by your actions, but their own. Your work is a constant reminder of what they wish they could achieve or incorporate on their own vehicles. Instead of saying anything kind, they lash out by attacking you and your work. You have hypocrites that say things like "treat me good and i'm a loyal customer" yet those self centered people will cut down and wrongly accuse those who are dedicated to serving this hobby. They demand respect and goodwill but never reciprocate it! They don't even have the decency to follow up and correct their misguided, malicious and untrue statements! I have personally been on the receiving end of similar rude comments MANY times.
Keep doing what you are doing and stay the course! If people threaten you by saying they "are not going to use your services" when you defend yourself, then tell them to walk on by! Business is business and should be built on reputation, not self centered threats. You should not be held hostage by "double standard" individuals who think they can say whatever they please and then cry foul when you defend yourself. If people use your services because they want the "best" then so be it!!! If it becomes a popularity contest between which vendor will put up with their rude comments and attacks....then I say...Shove It! Offer a great product, at a competitive price, with great service and let the rest take care of itself. Don't be held prisoner by a few self righteous hypocrites! Take pride in what you do and have the guts to stand up for yourself! You're the best at Wiper Motor Restoration, you know it and all the insults and backbiting will never change that FACT! Keep up the great work!!!