


"it was a zoo" in most every sense of the word down there

must've been a heads up race. Not like that on bracket night...

Yep, have to agree with Wayne....don't judge SGMP by that event ORTC is a different animal.....won't see that at the majority of events there

Wade sure put some teeth in that track from what I've heard


No I dont think its like that on a normal basis...
and yes that track was biting, seen alot of cars
standing it up.... one of the mustangs held the wheels
up about 2' to about the 330' mark... I had heard
that the owner didnt expect that many cars(place
was FULL) but things like 1 person working the window
at the concession stand was real slow... just simple
little things that could have been better.... parking
was a joke.... park anywhere you can fit in, no one
directing traffic and being the first time there I
was some what lost as to where to park, I ended up
parking next to a rig and asked the guy if I was
going to be in the way, he said I was fine so thats
where I parked