Im making it complicated LOL...
2.90's a trans brake, and tire with any height at all.
how would this be diff that your average everyday race car with a mismatched reared gear set?

Sure it will work, sure it will run..why wouldn't it?
If its the hos setup we all would be trading in out 4.88's for 3.23
I wasn't trying to be negative, as was just trying to understand what the OP was trying to achieve...

still don't know

Its all in good fun boys....
(Sling Blade Carl's Voice here)
its winter
its winter...

its still winter.
I hate snow

Its a street car and doesnt want a steep gear....
but its still a sacrifice... you wouldnt see a RACE
car doing it because he would be giving up alot of
torque multiplication of the different rear gears