Just my lowly opinion, so take it for what it's worth, but I think it would be a LOT nicer and far more appealling if you had a cohesive "theme" for it. As it sits now, it is a nice engine but just looks like parts were strewn together with no thought to the final out come. It's just a garish mismatch. Study some of the top car builders like Steve Stropes of Pure Vision, or even Foose, and notice all the little details and tricks they use to really make an engine shout at you while looking classy and elegant, like a well thought out package. Thats WAY to nice of an engine you have to leave it 10 differant colors that none match the others. I can't suggest a color because I don't know what your tastes are, but please study what the pro's do to make their stuff look classy and steal their ideas. Most of them went to art or designing schools at some point. Sometimes the things most remembered aren't shouted, they are whispered.