

I saw a lot of empty seats especialy on the spectator side. Yes NHRA did a lot of great things in the past and makes it possible for most of us to race. But the last couple of years the mgmt has made a lot of bad decisions and they are in it for the $$$ losing sight of what is the backbone of the sport , bracket racers and sportsman racers. They are after the " Big Show , Big $$$" which is losing its appeal rapidly. Stars are leaving the sport and how long can they continue to survive and appeal to the fan carrying on about the Forces and the Dixon/ Schumacher rivalry? They refuse to believe that there is anything wrong with the economy and have done nothing to easen the financial burden on the sportsman/bracket racer, to make more money to line their pockets they double fees and raise ticket prices and entry fees.

One thing that grinds my gears is the completely inane process of making my perfectly good safety equipment obsolete when there`s NOTHING wrong with it . This policy might be great for big time racers , not the little guy who just likes to get out with his / her car when time permits.

agree 100% .

Just another way for NHRA to financially rape the racers that support them. The SFI is also getting a cut of that.

I had to buy belts last year. My "old" ones were in MINT / PRISTINE condition.