
I thought they were pretty cool til I decided to give it another shot with an LED array.

The picture below shows the luminescence of an LED bulb with 36 LEDs in a 360 degree rotation. The 1156 on the RIGHT side of the tail light was adequate but not SUPER!...

I invested in some 1.25" x 1.25" 36LED Super White PCBs for 2.99 a piece and hooked them up in series for a test run and the results were astounding. I know the lights are crooked behind, it was a test run to see the "red" and how much of an impact it had.

The following picture shows the tail light without the red lenses on. Those suckers sure are bright. Not a bad investment either. I am going to order a few more sets as these were test runs. I'll make a U shaped channel out of aluminum, paint it silver or fake chrome-in-a-can and run small sheet metal screws on the top and bottom of the housing so they are all in perfect line with each other.

You mite want to check out...


They supply a very, wide range of LEDs for automotive applications and are not the typical off-shore stuff. We build show cars for CES, SEMA and various magazines and have used their products with good sucess. Also when using the LEDs be sure to double-check the diameter of the bulb hole in the housing as sometimes there are clearance issues.. Additionally note there are specific flashers to be used with LED bulbs, as they are of lower resistance..

Post back if you have any specific technical questions..

Just my $0.01..