Whoa nellie man this post is like dejavu all over again i had the same problem with my six pk set up turns out promax sent me the wrong center metering block and no matter what you did you couldnt adjust it.

when at idle you should be able to turn the mix screws all the way in and the motor should die on you
they sent me a new one problem solved.

now on the outboards i also have the jet conversion plates those things are awesome for tuning as well as the baseplate for the rear with the angled screws makes adjusting a whole lot easier.

if you put your fingers over the air bleeds on the top of the carb and the motor speeds up--too lean if it bogs --too rich and adjust your idle mix screws accordingly once you get it tuned you should have a mover there!

This better?

Last edited by WICKD6PK; 01/26/10 11:02 PM.