well, i got some good advice that seemed to work out perfectly.

Robx suggested i close the outboard mixture screws to 1/4 turn which i did. then I set the center at 1 1/2 out and see if the car will idle.

sure enough it did. i used a vacuum gauge to fine tune it but at the end of it all, i was at 1/2 out on the outboards and 1 1/2 or so for the center. i could turn the center screws in and watch the mixture change accordingly.

idled real nice. and the garage stopped getting smoked out.

seems to be running as good as it ever has. the real problem seems to be my outs were WAY too rich, so i had my center all wacked out on the transfer slots and the idle screws wouldnt work. really elementary but my baseline was so far off i got lost.

thanks rob!

It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas.