Sorry for the delay in responding guys, I have a reference chart some where and I was trying to find it, I had no luck. I don't want to pass along bad info so I'll pass along what I remember from looking into this about 3 years ago. A12, you are correct in that the single stripe is a "accent" stripe. My reference chart has the "correct" thickness of the stripe and correct placement below the body line(crease) but again I can't find it. I want to say the stripe thickness was supposed to be 1/8" to 3/16" and the stripe was supposed to be 3/8" off the bottom of the body line. Now I use the word "supposed" for a reason, as I noted in my earlier posts the thin stripes were applied using 2 wheels placed on both sides of the car, I have a picture of them on the reference chart that I can't find, maybe someone else on moparts has one? the wheels look like the wheels you use to check distance with. From what I remember, these paint wheels weren't super accurate, if the tension wasn't set right the thickness of the stripe would vary and it did not maintain a perfect distance from the body line. As I noted in my earlier posts the stripe on my RR does not look bad at all, but if you measure it, the distance from the body line to stripe varies from 1/4" to 1/2" you can also see where the wheels just sorta "fall off" after running down the side of the car. I'll keep looking for my chart, it will explain it better and has all the demensions. If you see a perfect, as in a consistent "painted" pinstripe on a RR it wasn't put there by Ma Mopar, lol.....