



One wire altenator questions....

Do you only have ONE wire? I think the "Mad" site (or whoever it is- I'm sure somebody will chime in) is adamant about running more than just one wire on the "one wire" alternators, the way the internal regulator reacts or something.
I bought a 200 amp 1 wire alternator and THEN read the stuff about 1 wire alternators, just wondering if you had read the same stuff or not...?

The install looks good!

yes I only have one wire 200 anp dang what are trying to power the space shuttle I have a race car not a moble factory. I know what mad says and don't really care. they work for a race car and thats good enough for me

My car has electronic stuff galore, dual fans, PW, EFI, stereo, lots of grah-bage.
If YOUUUU aren't worried about the MAD site, I ain't gonna worry about it either!

One of us burns, we both burn!

if yours is street driven you may want to re-think that.

I've already rethought it!
I'm running more than one wire on my one wire, but I didn't wanna tell YOU!