
What makes YOU THINK there was a lifter bore problem ?? I don't remember you being part of the EM team ...

I don't have an axe to grind with Hughes, but it seems you do with those involved in something you were not part of ?

How about the best of moparts archive page 9 (engine masters) People who helped out in the build said it was the lifter bores and that bushing them fixed the issue

So in reality YOU (em team) made ME THINK it was a lifter bore issue

You can go back and read the whole saga if you would like. Or I could go back and Quote everybody and paste it for you.

A member gets on here to give Hughes a and right away triple threat throws in the EM debacle and a negative . According to YOU Hughes informed you about the lifter bores from the beginning. So aparently Hughes was trying to be helpful and informative but some didn't care to listen.

I have no axe to grind with anyone, I thought the EM motor made great power and was a success.

I personally have bought and delt with people involved in the EM build and Hughes. All were informative and good to deal with.

it's unfortunate that you don't really know many (if any) of the actual details but are quick to lay blame. only those "directly involved" know the whole truth and nothing but the truth. i also think the personal insults you levied are completely uncalled for and completely biased.