
. As far as the builders LACK OF KNOWLEDGE , The only lack of knowledge was from not actually talking to Dave personally ... Everything went threw ME because I was the Project Manager ... and not having run a Hughes HTL Solid in the past since it was a fairly new Cam on the market.

There is no reason to muddy this thread with anymore HEARSAY ...

Not trying to muddy this thread. Just pointing out that the builder overlooked the lifter bore problem. (I would call that lack of knowledge you call it what you want)

And Hughes cam performed well in the contest.

Hughes is still in business and continues to test, develope and build parts for the mopar community.

What makes YOU THINK there was a lifter bore problem ?? I don't remember you being part of the EM team ...

Yes Hughes is still in business, so are the business owners that DONATED their TIME and expertise to see the project made it to the contest.

I don't have an axe to grind with Hughes, but it seems you do with those involved in something you were not part of ?