
Now...Will the real Captain Cheapo stand up!!

Are you talkin' to me?

Not sure I have any race GOALS for 2010. The last couple of years have been so hit-and-miss w/ even getting to the track that planning to race on a regular basis just ends up being a big disappointment.

What I'd LIKE to do is make some of the 75-80 Friday Night 6.50 Index "Nine Inch Nightmare" races, although my car's not runnning quite that quick in the 1/8th at this point. I'd also LIKE to run the RAM Racing N/A Series AMI Index events at Cecil County and MIR, since they're reasonable drives for me to make.

Plans for the car are pretty simple... if I haven't hurt the bottom end of the 452, fabricate a fresh-air pan, get the carb configuration dialed in, and probably some rocker ratio tests. If I can sqeeze another tenth or two out from it, that it'll put it that much closer to being able to run the 6.50 index competitively.

The other plan is to hold off on switching to the Victor heads on the 452 and, instead, use them w/ the new 448 build I'm doing. Unless the 452 is hurt and I don't have another option, I don't see the new engine going into the car this year.

BTW, Happy New Year to everyone!