
What I meant by the "one step rich" statement is that my Primary carb previously was an Eddy Performer AFB, probably 600 or so cfm. I compared the jetting chart for the Eddy AFB with the jetting chart for my new 800 cfm Eddy AVS. From the charts, it appears that the base calibration for the Eddy Thunder is "one step rich" on the Eddy AFB chart.

Since my car ran pretty well and got fairly decent fuel economy when it was running solely on the AFB it seems resonable to assume that I can jet my new carb the same way and improve the fuel economy without hurting the performance.

Ok, I'm with you on the one step rich thing. You can't compare the two carbs by rods and jets as the CFM ratings are different. One other thing, If you are running vac advance make sure it is connected to the ported vac or the fitting on the front passenger side of the carb.