This was a very cool read for me! Hope you get your interlock situation sorted Nacho! Pink, you rock for being so helpful!

Wish I had any knowledge on 74s, but mine are 66, 68, and I had a 69 so long before interlock.

Good luck!



Some people don't understand why others like to keep things the way the factory made it, or even just use factory items that were never on their vehicles. If it's a palin jane Belvedere and someone wants to clone it into a Hemi GTX, people start and saying what a great idea it is. When someone wants to add some obscure factory equipment that isn't flashy, sexy or flavor-of-the-month, they don't understand . isn't for everyone- some people like obscure and unique. I'll help you all I can Nacho, cuz this is the type of thing I enjoy reading about and watching others do. Keep plugging away and you'll get it figured out eventually. Someone might even learn a thing or two reading about what you find.
