
I can see how one would work but would not want to step on it accidently
My trailer has a 4' beavertail so I jack the front up quite a bit and it goes in/out with no problems...
Now the TS car is a big PITA!!
My next trailer will be 2' longer, 8' beavertail with drop start axles.

Just get yourself a 2" pipe if you want one of those.
The problem with that idea is, if the pipe ain't straight it could roll out from under your car before the car is where it belongs.

I made a dragster dolley and used it with my 236" Q8 dragster with BB and PG. I forgot to take pictures of it tonight at work.
Two of us could pickup the front of the car while a third guy positioned the dolly underneath. Once up on the dolly it was quite handy as one guy could put the car anywhere even over bumps. We used it with my old beaver tail trailer. One guy can load the dragster now with a flat floor, where it took three guys to load the old beaver tail trailer.
In that picture above with my car on the rotissiere, is the exact spot I park when I load my dragster which I can do myself if need be.

But when the car grew to 286" with a blown hemi, BJ, and clutch, it was too heavy to pickup any more.
The solution was a flat trailer floor, it requires less front trailer jacking. I've loaded three different dragsters in this trailer and street cars and never a problem no matter where I park. I'm telling you flat is the way to go.
Got no good pictures but I think you can see there is no beaver tail.

There's no hump to get over in a flat floor trailer, that's the difference.

Last edited by Challenger 1; 12/29/09 09:29 PM.