OK, thanks for all the info, I am sure our fuel system will cover the 30% difference /increase in fuel flow, we have a Magna fuel pro 500 pump and regulator, -10 line, etc.

2 more questions, what do we start with as far as plug heat range's ??? NGK 7,8, or ???

We do have a vac pump on the car and will change the oil very very often, say every 5-6 passes, but has anyone seen any signs of premature wear or bearing failure do to the alcohol ??? Maybe thats a stupid question, but I dont know anything about this and for years we've ran C-12 and felt like we had a really good handle on things, never had any oiling issues and tried very hard to stay on top of everything. Now I feel like one small change and I'm kinda lost, thanks for all your help.....I am looking at a 1250 Rupert, but I think it might be a little too big for my 540 ???