
SMRE, nice work. Is that for a "total" streetcar ? What state is the car going to ? Get some fire core wires on that thing. I thought I read you guys used them. Looks like a 7 second street car. Beauty work to both shops.

This customer ordered it to be 1800 on Pump gas and 2000 on race gas. We did the pump gas tune up first and it made over 2000 on the first pull. So, after a serious de-tune, it left out of here about where he requested. His intention was for it to be a street/strip car. To tell you the truth, I don't think this one got the Firecore wires, for some reason. But, we do use Firecore on the house car which is currently a SS/AH car...but that just might be evolving into something else very soon..stay tuned.