Overall there is nothing wrong with single stage paint(providing it is quality paint were talking about). It's typically easy too apply, cheaper, & holds out well. In some aspects I prefer the look for a older car- I sprayed my Demon in Endura single stage as I felt it looked more "correct" not the super glossy forever wet look that some choose to have(not to say that single stage can't look like that with a little effort). That being said there is one aspect to consider in a engine bay and that is the effect that fluids may have on it if spilled/ spashed etc and not cleaned all the time. Depending on the color the paint may stain & discolor whereas if it is cleared it does offer some protection against possible color change. If you are for sure going black you don't have much to worry about

Last edited by 72DEMON416; 10/15/09 12:13 AM.