I must have struck a nerve with you buddy , name calling? wow. I guess i should go learn how to do bodywork... o wait ive got 4 years of exp. in a PROFESSIONAL shop!!! Oh good god... When i got my car for 1500 in 1998 it was a slant 6 yellow puke bucket. LoL i've got pics too. Ive done the bodywork and paint [got pics], ive done the engine [pics] , ive done the trans [pics], ive done the rear end [pics], ive mini tubbed it [pics]. So what have i not done to it????
So my ghetto azz bucket with a 540 11.5 to comp aluminum headed roller engine and a 250 cheater on it. Built 727 [with goodies in it] and building a d60 for it now, must be slow because I KNOW hondas can be quick... man how stupid am i to beleive that huh? A import with only 4 cly fast... ridiculous.
O and because I am so lazy and I dont know what work is i didnt take on a project for my dad, i didnt restore his 65 coronet. with over 200 hrs of metal and bodywork. nope im just 2 lazy.
So even though i'm only 26 and have documented everything I have done on all of my cars I must be a lazy idiot.
I think I have found my new god.
If only I were as great as you. lets see the pics of you doing everything to your car, lets see you YOURSELF spraying it out, or carving bondo or stripping it or pullin a dent, lets see the pics of YOU building your engine, or YOU building your trans or YOU doing... well, anything.
I can prove I did all of it myself. Can you? Or did you pay to have it done?
And 10k for 10.88, thank god your not at my track, sounds like a bomb waiting to go
o ill spell this out for you, since you obviously cannot read very well. I never said u have 35k invested in your car, i said people like you WANT [keyword] (look it up in the dictonary if you must) 35k for your car.

Dakfink- way to man up, you should always want the best for your kids. Thats awesome. I know I will want my kids to have more and be better than I could ever be. Why would i wish worse on them?

I've said my peice, i'm over it, i'm done. if you wanna prove your manhood feel free to pm me, this is a race board. Not a pissing contest.
I'm sorry guys, won't happen again.

Last edited by cudaben1968; 09/22/09 11:30 PM.

Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. -Alcoholics Anonymous, The Big Book