It's been a while since I've been on this website but I have a question. I run Super Gas with a 511 B-1 engine in a '88 T-Bird (old ex pro stock car). It runs 160 - 163 mph @ 9.90 in Super Gas which used to be near the top of the class. Now all the Chebbie guys are using 555, 565, 582 + engines and 160 + is middle of the road. What I need to do is build me a bigger rubber band. I'm really tempted to chuck it all and build a 615 Big Chief G.M. creation. Bob Philips has a 604 NRC headed powerhouse which runs at 170 + MPH. I need to find out what Mopar aluminum blocks are out there. Does anybody out there have reliable info on Indy, Keith Black, World etc. I like the aluminum block because they're light and repairable. I'd want it to have replaceable sleeves.
Thanks for any info
Ken Bowers