
Gear Vendors makes an AutoShift Sequencer that automates the split. You still command the overdrive in-shifts but when you move the lever up to the next ratio the sequencer looks at the command and the tach to pick the appropriate moment to out-shift the overdrive.

I installed a GV in 2003 before they came out with the new control box. I believe they have two options now. One for splitting automatically between each gear to keep you in a good torque range (I think you can tell them where you want the shift point at.) and the original that you can run in auto and it shifts at 45 ~ mph or you can play in manual.

I have practiced splitting mine between each gear and it can be done but I was not good enough at it to be consistent. When racing now I only use it to shift from 2nd to 2nd Over and go through the traps at 6100 rpm.