
i didnt say glass beads. i said crushed glass, beads are 4x the price and do the same job.

were all invicible until we die.lol

Have never used crushed glass except in my blast cabinet when the glass beads turn to dust. Thanks I'll look into it.

The building supply place I buy some of my media quit selling silica sand about 5 years ago because of the health risks. It's still used today with the proper precautions. Anyway they started selling slage and it works just as good, IMO
There another abrasive company in town that sells plastic and other media, but it is 440 bucks for a 200# drum of urea plastic. It can and is designed to be reused as it splinters on impact keeping it's jagged shape for cutting. Silica sand on the other hand is not as effective the second time around because it get's smoother upon impact. Slage splinters some also upon impact making it better than silca sand for reuse.