
Correct me if I am wrong guys......an Ebody 8 3/4 will bolt in?

It would be kind of a tight fit, you would have to pull the leaf springs out an inch on each side (b-body spring perches are 44" apart and e-body are 46" apart).

If you want a drop in rear axle assembly for the 63-64 b-bodies (overall width is 60 7/8"). Then my first choice would be the 65-67 b-body rear axles since their width is 59 1/2" (you gain about 5/8th of an inch clearance on each side, this may not sound like much, but when you go to cram a fat tire in the rear wheel wells every 1/8th is needed, unless you are going to split the rear wheel tubs and move the springs in) and then my second choice would be the 68-70 b-bodies their width is 60 1/8" (almost the same as the 1964 width).

OK, why was I thinking this car is a C body?

The '60 Belve is a C and the E will drop right in.

"The only thing to do for triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"