
Over the years I can only recall seeing two other A4 1969 Hemi Road Runners, the first owned by a former NHOA board member... the car had a black interior IIRC. The other was the Platinum/Pewter (Automatic?) car proclaimed to be "1 of 1" in Mopar Collectors Guide in the 1990s... so I started calling mine "2 of 1".
I have always believed that there were probably 6-10 Platinum/Pewter combo 1969 Hemi Road Runners... but I am starting to doubt it now. Any confirmed Platinum/Pewter Hemi RRs known to forum members... Pictures?
The attached picture is shortly after purchase in 1977...

I found & talked to the original owner of my A4/M6S A12 today and he said that his A12 was sitting on the showroom floor in Houston with a similarly optioned A4/M6S Hemi RR! He thought it was River Oakes C/P

1969-1/2 A12 LOH Road Runner A4 w/ M6S
13.34 at 104 PSMCDR 9/06 in Mopar Action 8/07
12.95 at 105.94 F.A.S.T. 11/06