Thanks Bill,and Joe.

WellI can see we are all having fun and thats nice,but because I am in a crappy airport n a crappy rentapc and only have a few secnds please excuse my lack of type checking.
Firstly, the only person with a legit gripe is John G, the creator of this post, but in my defence and he wuld agree I did give him a private number to contact me, I wont put names on it all everyone knows who they are, but how about the crate of parts that were returned to me? I was double charged, for transport, pickup, storage etc,,,,,The guy says it is on me, why? Because he did not want to pay thats why!! I have the ship docs, its all proper, I dont want to hear any crap.For all I care they can still sit.We all make a mistake now and then, I face what I create, I will not pay for someone else.
Then the guy that calls and calls and calls and wel, the truth is, he does not really need his part, well its not his because I put 5 hrs in it and dont have the heart to charge him shop rate so when he needs it I will try to help.......again. Oh, I am missing my point, sorry, he wants to trade, yep trade parts, because he bought the wrong parts elsewere, so I spent a few hrs trying to find stuff t trade him. But even I have a limited amt f time, trades can wait, but then there is the set f used pistons he wants, cheap......HIS WORDS

I have to run they are actually calling me, I wont get into this again, please tell the complete story, if you must CHAT......LOL
And dont come here with a bat, I dont want anyone to spend the cash on a ticket, tell me were you want me to go, but be prepared to tell your family why you have a bat sticking out your A-S
