
I have a curved distributor and I'm set a 35 total at 3K rpm. I think my initial was at 15. I'm not running any vacuum advance.

Does that make sense?

Very likely not enough initial timing based on the amount of vacuum you have. You have to get the timing sorted out for your combo before you can start to dial in the carb.

To determine the initial timing the engine wants you keep adding timing in 1 or 2 degree increments while maintaining a constant idle rpm. The point you reach make manifold vacuum is what the engine wants. Don't be surprised if it's over 20 and you will need to limit the advance in the distributor to maintain your 35 total.

Once the timing is sorted out then you can start getting the carb dialed in. I would start with the carb back at the factory settings.

Dave Clement Pembroke, MA 03 PT Cruiser GT Turbo 99 Dakota SLT+ CC 4x4 68 Barracuda sport coupe http://home.comcast.net/~dgc333/